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Selectmen Minutes 11/05/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – November 5, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order:
6:00 – In accordance with RSA 91A: 3 II (d) – acquisition of land – motion by Chairwoman Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams. Voted: 3-0
6:20 - Motion by Day to enter out of non-public, Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  No discussion.  
Voted 3-0
No decisions were made
6:15 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) – personnel motion by Chairwoman Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams. Voted: 3-0
7:00 – Motion by Day to enter out of non-public, Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  No discussion.  
Voted 3-0
Decision:  Stephanie is going to cut back on activities, will help out with the winter carnival, grant writing, and playground throughout the winter.  The Christmas Carol will go forward as planned.
6:30 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) - personnel motion by Chairwoman Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams. Voted: 3-0
8:07 – Motion by Day to enter out of non-public, Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  No discussion.  
Voted 3-0
Decisions: To pay $225.00/vehicle reimbursement, vacation time to be 1 week paid, 2 weeks not paid, 3 weeks total vacation to be approved.
8:00 – Kevin McDonald, Joe Ellis – Joe wanted to discuss things and wants to be sure everyone is on the same page with who is responsible for what.
8:10 - In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) - personnel motion by Chairwoman Day to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Kullgren & Adams. Voted: 3-0

8:30 – Motion by Day to enter out of non-public, Seconded by Kullgren & Adams.  No discussion.  
Voted 3-0
No decisions were made.
Joe Ellis discussed his thoughts about stock piling culvert pipe, and other product that is used that the price continues to increase year after year.  If purchased in 2009, we could save 10%.
Kullgren discussed the cash until years end, and have a concrete list of items needed.  Now is the time to purchase these items if funds are available.   Joe & Kevin will meet again with the Board once a list is compiled.
Ellis discussed the following items:
·       Wetlands permits, impact on roads etc.
·       A pager for himself.
·       A vehicle for highway crew to use for a parts run vehicle. They continued discussion regarding using Austin for the run guy.
·       The need for a screener
·       Logging the lot by the cemetery, reviewed a letter from Karla regarding this matter.
Approval of minutes:
October 29, 2009 minutes
Signed the following Documents:
·       A/P invoices
·       A/P checks
·       Letter  - Smith beaver removal
·       Capital Reserve Fund transfer funds for Town Office Energy Efficiency expenditures
·       Town Hall Rental – GCCC
·       New Hire wage approval
·       Mortgage Deed – CDBG
·       FEMA forms
·       E-911 Liaison Appointment Form
·       2009 tax warrant – tax rate was set at $20.55

Old Business:
Town Office Safety – tabled
New business:
Miscellaneous Mail was review
Personnel Policy was reviewed – overtime will not be paid until after 40 hours are worked.
Thanksgiving week there will be no Selectboard meeting.
Adjournment:   With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.  The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 6:00 pm.